December 31, 2023
As the seasons change, so should your closet. There is no better time than a new year to go through your wardrobe. This post will help you create a cohesive wardrobe that reflects you and your style.
If you are trying to simplify your wardrobe, follow these steps to create a capsule wardrobe you are proud to show off.
Let's Talk about Colours:
Different styles can always be mixed but, but the more we own within a certain colour palette, the more outfits you will be able to create with less clothing.
This process helps you to narrow down what pieces you want to keep, and when shopping, what colours you should be looking for moving forward.
This seems like a huge task, but being able to visually see everything you own will make the difficult choice of what to get rid of a lot easier.
What colours are currently in your closet?
What colours do you think look best on you and why?
What colours do you not like to wear?
Why do you not wear these colours?
Think about why you do not wear some of the clothing that you own. If you do not have anything that matches in the rest of your wardrobe, it is just going to sit there unused.
Looking at all your pieces, pick out 6 of your favourites.
Take notes on what colours are in your favourite items
Now, do another look through of your closet and pick out 6 pieces you wear the least/ have never worn.
Take notes on what colours are in these pieces.
Sometimes we hold onto things that we like but wish they were a different colour. There are two options when it comes to clothing that we like, but is not the right colour for us:
You can dye the fabric and make it work for your wardrobe
You can donate it, so that it can go to someone else who will give it the love it deserves
When shopping in the future, this will help minimize the amount of clothes you will purchase and never end up wearing. While keeping these things in mind, it helps us to streamline our wardrobe and get the most out of what we own.
My favourite step, but can also be the most tasking for a lot of people. With your notes and your clothing all out, you need to decide what stays and what no longer serves you. When you go through everything, choose if you are going to keep, repair or donate.
I find it also helps if you set a goal for yourself as to how much you want to get rid of. Think about the amount of space you have to work with and how much you’re willing to part with.
Put everything back into your wardrobe and organize it in a way that will help you get dressed in the morning. I suggest organizing by style or colour.
Feeling overwhelmed by tackling this task on your own? I am always here to help guide you and answer any questions you have. Please send me an email anytime and I will get back to you as soon as possible. My inbox is always open :)
There is no shame in needing help with a closet cleanse which is why I always offer this service to clients. There is no better feeling than waking up and knowing exactly what you are going to wear that day.
For January 2024, I will be offering total closet cleanses for ONLY $100!!
We will go through the steps above together along with all the tips and tricks that I have learned, and you will leave with:
A colour-coordinated closet
A better idea of what your style is
A clean and organized wardrobe
Feeling excited to get dressed in the morning
A visual copy of images showing the possibilities you can create within your wardrobe
Thank you for all the love in 2023.
I can’t wait to help support you in 2024!
all my love,